File listing in File directory - File Service API

I know the official documentation for the updated APIs are coming soon but I would like to know the File listing API call setup for the REST API.

Hi Roy!

You can use following request URI:
(retrieves directory listing with optional search and optional recursive retrieval)

GET /<version>/files/<path>[?pattern=<p>][&sub=true]

<path> - Path of a directory for which to retrieve listing from. The root directory is “/” (already in the path).
<p> - Search pattern. Optional. Applies to both directories and subdirectories located within <path>. May include '’ (replaces any number of characters) and/or ‘?’ (replaces only one character in the name. Pattern of "" is the same thing as no pattern - returns the entire listing.
sub=true - Optional too. If present, the command applies recursively.

Request example you can find in this topic


Is there a sort option (asc or desc) and if not can that be added?

I am only having the first 10 files returned in the directory listing. Is there the PageSize paramater available?

Same problem her only 10 files are listed.