Сan't load auto-loaded tables

Hello !

Suddenly stopped load auto-loaded tables.

I have to main tables: category and news.
Both of them have same table as child: ‘dish’ (named ‘dishes’)

But today from one of the classes i stopped be able to get auto-loaded ‘dish’ table.
From class Category it loads as usual , from News - emtpy.

autoload active in both tables, class ‘dish’ - is common.

What’s can be happed?
It seems on screenshot. (‘dishes’ is empty)

For example, 4 screenshots:
categoryClass - declaration of Category
newsClass - declaration of News and function that not auto-load dishes( ‘news’ in last line doesn’t load ‘dishes’)

loadCategoriesFunc - function that loads categories and auto-load dishes (everything is ok, ‘categories’ in last line load ‘dishes’)
diss class - declaration of dish




dish class.png

Hi, Alexandr.
We try to rproduce this problem on our side.
We will write here if get any results.

ok, if you need i can send you files :slight_smile:


Send us your applicationId please.
Alex Navara

let APP_ID = “A3B37778-DE8A-166E-FFA1-4EFC814F7700”

Can you produce this problem? :slight_smile:

Unfortunately not. I’m able to retrieve all related objects as expected. We’re keeping on trying to reproduce it.

i decide to make simple example with these classes - but this example is worked! :slight_smile: I found answer.

In News class i have next function:

  func getDishes() -> [Dish]
        var currentDishes: [Dish] = []
        for var i = 0; i < self.dishes.count; i += 1
        return currentDishes

But i never called it.
And while debugging i saw that if function has name getDishes() - it calls, if i renamed it to getDishes2() - it never calls. I don’t know why it calls.

This functions calls after this:
let result = dataStore.findFault(&error)

i can send you example where i can reproduce it

may be its feature of Realm framework that i used? because i do it in his class inheritable from Object.

Yes, Realm uses get/set methods to initialize the values.

It is an important detail to mention (that you use Realm) , Alexandr.