5053 Cannot send email. Error: %s

The error which had almost no cases that I go out up to now 5053 started frequently to go out from 2 days before.

Can you think what kind of thing is the cause?

Cannot send email. Error: %s

Hi there!

Can you give us stable steps to reproduce this error, so we can check it out and fix it?


From the user with the application we made.
5053 An error is indicated, and the question which isn’t advanced is increasing rapidly.

It wasn’t possible to confirm the error at our end.
Therefore we can’t grope after this solution method, and are in trouble.

There were no such errors to 5/22/2016.
I’m increasing rapidly from 5/23/2016.

It’s that AppTable was increased that we went.

When there is a reminded of something countermeasure, I want you to tell me.


Confirmation method of an error was understood.

When a User account is made newly by an application.
It can be confirmed that making of a User account is complete in BackEndless.
The mail which wrote a login password on a designated mail address isn’t being sent.

The user who made an account newly is in the state which can’t log in to an application.

I’ll send additional information.
A password is in the state a mentioned mail doesn’t reach.
When reissuing operation of a password is done in the application.
" You indicate error 8011 Any error message".


Could you provide your application id?

The ID for my application will be the following.
Thank you.


Email settings work correct in your app.
Could you explain which method/request will cause following error?


If a test mail is sent by the following procedure, a mail server seems the cause.
An error returns and has come, so there seems to be a problem with a mail server.

A mail server will be checked tomorrow.

After progress confirmation, I’ll contact you.

[Manage]-> [AppSetting]-> [Email Settings]-> [Test] Button

Could not connect to SMTP host: mailk02.serverservice.jp, port: 587


I want you to tell me the IP address of BackEndless when connecting to a mail server.

We have multiple servers in our installation. We cannot disclose IP addresses for several reasons. For instances, addresses change, this information may lead to attacks, etc. So I apologize, but we cannot provide the information you’re asking for.

I see, I understood.

[Manage]-> [AppSetting]-> [Email Settings]-> [Test] Button

Could not connect to SMTP host: mailk02.serverservice.jp, port: 587

We want to solve this problem, I want you to tell us in detail why the error occurs in the above procedure.


I’ve just tried it with your app - the test passes.
Looks like the problem is not with Backendless, but with the email server you’ve specified.