About Push Notification sample

And utilizes a sample, but can not receive the push notification.
In this sample, or it can be received in the push?
I want help

The use to which sample: pushdemo
※ registration of the device has been successfully completed.

In addition, the following document I have read.
※ setting of various keys is complete.

Because it is Japanese, but I think whether English is confusing
Thank you.


I hope this video tutorial will help


Thank you for your early reply

I’m sorry
The video is I was confirmed.

We’re using the pushdemo of examples that are within the following sdk.
※ changes that you make in the sample is, Defaults.java only.

APPLICATION_ID at Defaults.java, SECRET_KEY, we are all set SENDER_ID.
In addition, Google API Key and I was set to Backendless console.

As a result, registerDevice and unregisterDevice, we were able to send to the Backendless console.

Although I question, Can I send the push from the console and out of the pushdemo?
Can I receive any Android because ipad had received a push in the video?

The following Push Notification Setup of documents I’ve read.

Best regards Contact

Hi Kento,

yes, you can send push notifications from console. Make sure to enter proper header values into the “Headers” field. Also, the “Push Notification” checkbox must be selected:

The header values are documented here:
