Hey All,
As I am unable to reopen my previous Question, which I believe still remains unanswered. I am starting a brand new topic.
To refer to the old thread
Currently my team is having problems accessing PersistenceService from within the MessagingService.
Here’s what we are trying to achieve in a nutshell.
- We send a push notification via iOS Client. The responsible method here is
*)channelName message:(id)message publishOptions:(PublishOptions
*)publishOptions deliveryOptions:(DeliveryOptions *)deliveryOptions
response:(void(^)(MessageStatus *))responseBlock error:(void(^)(Fault
Everything is perfect till now. Push Notifications are received in Both iOS and Android
Devices as expected.
We have even implemented a custom Messaging Service Handler at our server end and have successfully deployed it. We have
updated the afterPublish event handler.
public void afterPublish(
RunnerContext context, Object message, PublishOptions publishOptions,
DeliveryOptions deliveryOptions, ExecutionResult <MessageStatus>
result ) throws Exception
// add your custom logic here
suppose we have a table, say PushMessageStatusTable in Backendless. As
soon as the afterPublish event handler is called/executed. We would like
to create a new record in the MessageStatusTable.
The problem is, we are having difficulties accessing PushMessageStatusTable from afterPublish Event Handler.
Is this possible at all??
Not to sound rude, but am I banging my head in the wrong place?
Maybe its easier to call Publish method from afterCreate Event Handler?
A lil help please. Thanks for reading through.