Add NSArray property support for BackendlessUser (iOS)


I just notice that BackendlessUser does not support collective property. A NSArray will be very useful in my case to do filtering. E.g. I save a list of postIds in user’s property “flaggedPosts”. I can easily filter out flagged posts based on those postIds.

At the moment, I have to make a request to fetch all flagged post records of the user and do another request for posts that are not flagged out.

Could you add the collective property in BackendlessUser class?


How did you do filtering based on array values in Parse?

In Parse, there is a query method:

  • (nonnull instancetype)whereKey:(nonnull NSString *)key
    notContainedIn:(nonnull NSArray *)array;I could do a query like: query whereKey:@“objectId” notContainedIn:[currentUser.flaggedPosts]

Thanks. We will consider adding support for it.