Advanced Questions for parse migration support

Does backendless plan to support

  1. channels in push notifications similar to parse , its quite critical to my app in how i choose the target audience. I probably can’t migrate without this feature, so please let me know if this is planned in the coming months.

  2. array data type. Is there is suggested workaround for not having arrays. I use arrays heavily for my search and attributes storage.

Hi Mitra,

  1. Backendless supports channels in push notification. You can discover more here:

  2. You can store json array as string or you can create separate table of attributes and store relations between entities. It depends on the way you are working with this kind of data.



Thanks a lot from the prompt reply.

If there is any recommended easy approach for migrating the array data in parse to backendless, please let us know your recommendation.

Current apporoach is to export data from parse and import it to Backendless. It should be helpfull for you:

Json array from Parse will be exported as string.

