[ANDROID] How to get facebook friends of a user with backendless SDK

Hi, i’m trying to get the friends of a user with the backendlesss SDK when the user is online. But i have this error :
“I/F->: BackendlessFault{ code: ‘null’, message: ‘Missing ___class property for entity: friends’ }”. What i am doing wrong ? (I checked that i had the permission of Facebook to access this data).
That’s my code :

Map<String, String> facebookFieldMappings = new HashMap<String, String>();
 facebookFieldMappings.put( "email", "email" );
 facebookFieldMappings.put("friends", "friends");
 List<String> permissions = new ArrayList<String>();
 permissions.add( "public_profile" );
 permissions.add( "user_friends" );
Backendless.UserService.loginWithFacebook(this, null, facebookFieldMappings, permissions, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessUser>()
 public void handleResponse( BackendlessUser backendlessUser )
 Log.i("S->", String.valueOf(backendlessUser));
 public void handleFault( BackendlessFault backendlessFault )
 Log.i("F->", String.valueOf(backendlessFault));

Hello, we need to investigate this further. An engineer will be in touch with you.


The fix for this issue will be released this week. We’ll notify you about that.
Anyway to make it clear, starting from v2.0 Facebook Graph API, using “friends” field will return the list of person’s friends that are also using your app (not every single friend of the person). Here’s the example of the Facebook response (containing only one user friend):

{data=[{name=Anatolii Stepaniuk, id=588115824005525}], paging={next=https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/157540234505048/friends?access_token=CAAXpe5v3ZCvUBAHsEHzFREQbOr7xrtBKnJmm7dqvVerRbY0BaBEJIMP41DQi9ASXPv0bo9kZB5Cn3THBAEACVe96OvzZCdg7jFXsrIM6GgL9hgCXasdfZAmEJC9neoLtoJDQfbCTkjxCuZBfsa95Te0EKB5I9MArQbEQossqcdEwW5kf7zasdfYmXqr73ojK5p10yVMZBlPSGAqs7R2C4H5Qx4fe9WqfUxlwWnlezsz3uztajNgZDZD&limit=25&offset=25&__after_id=enc_AdC1qKqjDXpJ7NqTFZabadsfgtimLDjXCmpsqmD7zU0t1f9lwLqvBIv2fBkZCfytKDhh1ExFl4p6qPzQlti49hc2Kydkab}, summary={total_count=1}}

Since this response in longer than 500 symbols you’ll need to set “friends” column type to TEXT (instead of String) in Backendless Console.

The fix for this issue is already released. Please let us know if you encounter any difficulties with it.