I’m following https://backendless.com/documentation/data/android/data_setup.htm
But when I start the app, I got an exception like this:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create application org.nolostdogs.seattlefounddogs.SeattleFoundDogsApplication: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Context cannot be null. Use Backendless.initApp( Context context, String applicationId, String secretKey, String version ) for proper initialization.
Your code looks pretty ridiculous to me:
public static void initApp( String applicationId, String secretKey, String version )
if( isAndroid() )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( ExceptionMessage.NULL_CONTEXT );
initApp( null, applicationId, secretKey, version );
I checked maven central and saw you have newer versions than 1.0 stated in your guidehttp://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22com.backendless%22
However if I try to use a newer version I got:cannot access AbstractBackendlessCollection
Looks like you probably did not publish com.backendless.commons on Maven central so cannot build.
I also tried to use com.backendless.backendless: instead of com.backendless.android
That I can build but same problem with initialize
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Context cannot be null.