Hi, I’ve been using Backendless in the new app I’m writing and it’s been great. The only exception is that it makes Android Studio to use too much resources. When I compile without “Backendless” in my build, everything goes smoothly, but after I add Backendless, firstly, the system shows a compile time error. See the error here http://pastebin.com/rcw0bf2a
The only way to fix this error is to add the following to my build.gradle
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
dexOptions {
javaMaxHeapSize “4g”
While this fixes the error and then makes the code to compile, while compiling, my PC goes nuts. I can hear the fan spinning loudly. The only time the PC gets to that level is when playing heavy games on it. Also, the time it takes to compile is then increased to about 4 minutes. Without Backendless, it’s usually below 1 minute.
Is there a way to solve the problem stated above without my PC spinning crazily and increasing build time? Does anyone also experience this?
As I have responded to you outside of the forum, I do not see this problem. backendless.jar is only about 950kb, which is not that heavy. I hope other users will chime in and share their observations here.
Take a look at how I set up my Backendless, maybe it’s the root of the problem.
First, I copied backendless.jar into “libs” folder in app. Then I added the following lines to my build.gradle
compile files(‘libs/backendless.jar’)
This is the correct way to do it. Right?
In my project I added backendless.jar to the /libs folder. I have the following in gradle.build:
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: ‘libs’, include: [’*.jar’])
Are you hitting the 64k methods limit?