Async error when running a Javascript file in node.js to Register a new User

Hi, I’m new to making Javascript apps and I was wondering if I could get some help with resolving this issue that I am getting. My goal is to get .js program to be able to run on a Raspberry Pi automatically that will be able to store and read data stored in backendless, thus why I have node.js to be able to do this instead of having an .html also to run in a browser. Right now I am trying to register a new user.

var APPLICATION_ID = '3CF68800-8891-9078-FF48-6CB10BEFCB00',
    SECRET_KEY = '1A47457E-E97E-329C-FF86-8B84F2256A00',
    VERSION = 'v1'; //default application version;

    var user = new Backendless.User(); = "";
      user.password = "12345";

However, I keep getting this error

throw new Error('Use Async type of request using Backendless with NodeJS. Add Backendless.Async(successCallback, errorCallback) as last argument');


Error: Use Async type of request using Backendless with NodeJS. Add Backendless.Async(successCallback, errorCallback) as last argument

I was just wondering if someone could explain what this means and how I would be able to resolve this error. I’ve tried to reference the documentation for Async calls but have not had any luck in resolving the problem.

Hi Jerego,

The node environment does not allow blocking IO calls - you need to use asynchronous APIs. Please see an example in this thread:
