Hi, I’m new to making Javascript apps and I was wondering if I could get some help with resolving this issue that I am getting. My goal is to get .js program to be able to run on a Raspberry Pi automatically that will be able to store and read data stored in backendless, thus why I have node.js to be able to do this instead of having an .html also to run in a browser. Right now I am trying to register a new user.
var APPLICATION_ID = '3CF68800-8891-9078-FF48-6CB10BEFCB00',
SECRET_KEY = '1A47457E-E97E-329C-FF86-8B84F2256A00',
VERSION = 'v1'; //default application version;
var user = new Backendless.User();
user.email = "dummyemail@msn.com";
user.password = "12345";
However, I keep getting this error
throw new Error('Use Async type of request using Backendless with NodeJS. Add Backendless.Async(successCallback, errorCallback) as last argument');
Error: Use Async type of request using Backendless with NodeJS. Add Backendless.Async(successCallback, errorCallback) as last argument
I was just wondering if someone could explain what this means and how I would be able to resolve this error. I’ve tried to reference the documentation for Async calls but have not had any luck in resolving the problem.