I have a class entitled Items that allow users to store Item objects. I’m attempting to have a column called views on each Item that can atomically increase based on users viewing the Item. How would I go about doing this with Backendless using Swift (atomically)? Would I have to be able to write server side code to make this happen using another language, or is there a function similar to the Parse SDK that allows you to call incrementKey on a column?
Hi Jason,
Have you checked the Atomic Counters service? Here is the doc: https://backendless.com/documentation/utilities/ios/ut_atomic_counters_ios.htm
Sergey - that documentation only covers objective C, can you provide an example written in Swift?
Chris, do you develop with version 3 or version 4 of Backendless?
Still on version 3 for now, but plan on migrating to v4 in the next few months.
Please see version 4 docs for Swift examples. The ones for counters should work with Backendless 3.x.