As described by an earlier user:
When using the POP facebook library, you get this error:
I’m having a problem where the libavutil.a’s time.h (libav-v9.1965/include/libavutil/time.h) file in the Backendless set of libraries is colliding with the system time.h (usr/include/time.h). The two don’t match and the differences are causing issues with other source libraries that are expecting the system version. Specifically, I’m building with Backendless and the Facebook pop animation library which depends upon the system time.h.
I’m using the current Backendless pod 3.0.8 and it includes the /include/libavutil/time.h.
Can you rename your time.h file to something else?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Bilal,
If you do not use any of the Audio/Video streaming features, you can try deleting the libavutil library. Otherwise, this is an issue we’re currently investigating based on the following two reports:
Hello again,
Thanks for the fast response. I am also an old “Parser”, trying out your system, and hopefully chosing it as favourite baas.
Unfortunately, it is not possible in Cocoapods to be selective.
I ended up doing your solution, but for that I had to install Backendless manually.
I think a simple rename of the file would fix it 
Thanks for caring about ur customers! 
If you use CodoaPods to integrate Backendless in your project, and you get the problem with “time.t conflict”, you should remove the file time.h from your project.
Choose in your project Pod → Pod → Backendless-ios-SDK and push the “delete” key. Click “Move to Trash” button.</img>
We will fix this issue asap in the next CocoaPods release.
That is true / what we did.
But not good enough in the long run since u need to do it every time u update the pod.
It’s better if u rename the file/class I believe.
But thanks for the comment.