I have problem when trying to build the app first i got the problem with webrob on 3.0.17 then i used and i got this problem:
Error:Execution failed for task ‘:app:compileDebugJavaWithJack’.
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.android.sched.scheduler.RunnerProcessException: Error during ‘UnusedDefinitionRemover’ runner on ‘public void com.backendless.media.gl.SurfaceView.run()’: com.android.jack.ir.ast.JBlock does not support transformation ‘REMOVE’, existing: com.android.jack.ir.ast.JExpressionStatement, new: <null>
Then i tried using 3.0.15 and i got the same problem of webrob, then all down to 3.0.11 and here i am again with the same problem of com.backendless.media.gl.SurfaceView.run()’ !
Any solution please.