BackendlessFault{ code: '8001', message: 'Duplicate property' }


During saving an object Backendless returns this error. Posted class to

Hi Denys,

Is there a property name is the error message? In the server code I see that there should be one.

If not, please provide a code sample to reproduce this error.

Vehicles property

Well this means that you defined this property as unique and you already have an object with such property. Just as the error message says.

I fetched an object from backendless, update it and save it

Can you provide a code you use? The approach you describe will work fine as long as you keep the same objectId.

Sent the code to support mail.

Hi Sergey,

Any updates?

When I had commented “problematic” property and tried to save an object, Backendless returned the following error: “Metadata key cannot be NULL.”.

The “duplicate property” error would occur when you have a unique constraint on a column and save an object which violates the constraint (because another object has the same value for the unique column).

I believe, the “Metadata key cannot be NULL” error is sent from your server-side code.