Bakcendless 4 .NET retrive with Where Clause

hello there , am using the Backendless 5.0 beta with .NET and
using this code

var dataQueryBuilder = DataQueryBuilder.Create();
            dataQueryBuilder.SetWhereClause("restaurant.objectId = '" + restaurant.objectId + "' ");
  //check if i got correct parameters

                  new AsyncCallback<IList<Orders>>(
            result =>

will always return the error

restaurant.objectId = 'F10299AE-6CA5-46EE-FF65-41E183B2A900' 

Error - Backendless BackendlessFault. Code: Internal client exception, Message: Input string was not in a correct format.

any help would be appreciated

Hi Ibrahim,

Backendless 5.0 beta? Wow, you must be ahead in time ))

Everything looks good in the code. Does the same query work in REST Console on the Data screen?

The only thing I’d check is that extra space at the end of the where clause:

dataQueryBuilder.SetWhereClause("restaurant.objectId = '" + restaurant.objectId + "' ");


dataQueryBuilder.SetWhereClause("restaurant.objectId = '" + restaurant.objectId + "'");

hhh sorry about that yeah probably next year i’ll be asking a question about Backendless 5.0

anyhow i tried it without the extra space and it still result in the same error ,
ps. am using the debug Backendless.dll from github repo

No problem)

Does the whereClause work when you try it in REST Console on the Data screen?

yes it does

I just tried a similar query and it worked for me. What is your application id?