I use cache and remote method for cache in application. When I user Parse.com then methods with completed downloading call twice. First - application give data from cache, Second - download data from server. How this method work in your SDK? For now I see that data get from cache a long time. I think it not work or I make mistake?
Thank you
Best Regards
No. I talk about Query cache policy. For example:
BackendlessDataQuery *query = [BackendlessDataQuery query];
query.whereClause = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“user.objectID = ‘%@’”, self.user.objectId];
query.cachePolicy = [[BackendlessCachePolicy alloc] init];
[query.cachePolicy cachePolicy:BackendlessCachePolicyFromCacheAndRemote];
[[[Backendless sharedInstance] persistenceService] find:[Submit class] dataQuery:query response:^
I think that this policy give me previous response and after it download new response. Is it correct?
My deal fast show previous content, download new content, reload view with new content. I hope your SDK have this mechanism. Or need implement self datastore for this solution?
The functionality you refer to is experimental and is not entirely supported. We will be revisiting local datastore soon.
If you are looking for a way to cache query results, I recommend storing them in Backendless cache: