Can I combine Springboard plan with current Cloud 9 plan?

Your new Springboard plan is very interesting.
Unlimited API calls and so on.

I am going to take the shortcut by purchasing this plan in Backendless Marketplace, but what will happen to my Cloud 9 plan?
It would be great if I can combine both Springboard and Cloud 9. I get to enjoy the Springboard’ Unlimited API calls while at the same time enjoy the super scaling and customizable limits that Cloud 9 plan offers.

Is that possible?

Springboard and Cloud9 are separate plans and cannot be combined. Springboard is meant primarily for solo (non-team) development, while Cloud9 and Cloud99 are for more advanced development functions and most importantly for production deployments.


For Springboard plan, on the marketplace;
For example, can I purchase a data object?

Hi, @Paradise_Little

There is a possibility to purchase data objects. You can find it in the Marketplace window. Data Service tab. Or if you look at All Function Packs tab you will find there lots of other our packs.
