Can not find BackendlessPushService

When I try to create my own push service it says I can not find the class BackendlessPushService. Is this out-dated? If so, what is the proper way to override the old push service. I was following the docs and they don’t work.

The class is most certainly there:

How do you import backendless into your project?

I downloaded the library

I have the broadcast reciever but not the push service

Could you show the exact error you’re getting? Perhaps with a screenshot.


How do I verify what version I am currently on? Is there anything in Android Studio or in the jar I can see?

Did you download it from the website or got it from Maven?

I just downloaded the latest version and I still didn’t have the PushService class…Can I access it via gradle?

Well, I just downloaded the latest version from the website and the class is certainly there in the the com.backendless.push package:</img>

Okay, now I have it. But now I am missing MessageStatus

It is in

Got it thanks! Now, is upgrading to the most recent version going to cause any issues?

It might. You need to try, test and see.

One of the issues I am having with notifications is that they stack. I am trying to prevent them from stacking if more than one is sent. Any ideas?

Sounds like a UI issue, please post it to an Android-related forum.