Cannot call Backendless.InitApp() in UWP project

Hi, I am new to backendless but have some experience in .NET

Currently I cannot get backendless to work at all in VS 2015 under a Universal Windows Project (UWP). I am able to import the necessary dll (I have to use BackendlessPhone.dll) and thing like intellisense work but whenever I call Backendless.InitApp(***,***,“v1”); It crashes blaming a NullReference. I can build and run the Windows Phone example you guys provide, but am jsut curious if anyone has gotten it to work at all in a UWP project.


Hi Matthew,

Unfortunately, the current build of assembly will not work in a universal project - it requires a Silverlight one. We do have it in the plans to update the code so it becomes a pure UW library, but we would not be able to make it happen in the immediate future (we’d welcome any help with it though).


Wow, Im searching for a Parse alternative and whether it works in UWP or not suddenly seems a lot less important if I can get forum responses in <5 minutes at 10:30 at night lol. Ill stick with WPF for now, thanks for the speedy reply!

I love it how “unspoiled” ex-Parsers are with support you used to get there ))

Please use this build of the assembly, it is going to give you the latest code:


Once the facePlace bought them it just nosedived lol.

Thanks for the link!

Hey guys,

I dont mean to be pushy but is there any hard timeline on when backendless will support UW? My current project is fine without it but I have one a few months out that will have to be UW and Id love to be able to use backendless for it!


Hi Matthew,

Unfortunately I cannot provide and/or commit to a particular timeframe for the universal support. The scope of changes for UW is quite large and with the current support and features-in-progress backlog it would be quite hard to squeeze in the near-term future.

I’d like to mention that the entire SDK is open source and if anyone would like to undertake the project to convert it to UW, we’d fully support it.
