Cannot call Restore Password API (Error 5050)

I am unable to get a successful response by iOS Restore Password API and getting error Code 5050.
After going through error codes documentation: I got to know it is an issue related to Email configuration settings in Backendless’s dashboard: Manage->App Settings->Email Settings
As described in different threads related to Email Settings, I clicked ‘Test’ and it failed (as shown in attached picture).
These are the defaults settings and I haven’t changed anything. Could you help me resolve the issue.
My APP ID is: E7D13D4D-883B-8361-FF0F-A68236F26500
iOS Restore Password code:

class func resetPassword(email:String,success:@escaping (Bool) -> Void ,error:@escaping(String) ->Void){
 Backendless.sharedInstance().userService.restorePassword(email, response: { (response:Any) in
 print("Response: \(response)")
 }) { (fault:Fault?) in

Hi Raj,

Have you tried clicking on “Reset” button under email settings?

Clicking on ‘Reset’ solved the problem. Thanks Sergey.

What these email settings are used, is there any official documentation?

Hey Chanchal Raj

Yes we have official documentation for Email Settings:

Regards, Vlad