I exported data using web console and after importing i do not see relations between tables. The fields are just empty. I lost relations in prod table help pls ASAP !
So i have relations One To Many between ClientTb and VisitTb
And relations One To One between VisitTb and PhotoTb
While exporting i see this picture
(When selecting a table, related tables are selected automatically and highlighted in blue)
where are selected only tables VisitTb and PhotoTb but not ClientTb which is in relation with VisitTb.
And i do not see even field related with VisitTb in exported csv
So there is some issue with exporting of One To Many related tables ! Or i understand something wrong?
Hi Aleks,
Please, provide your application ID and the archives you’re trying to import.
You can just try to export and will see that ClientTb is not marked as related table. When i import .zip archive, all relations are saved, but if i import all csv files not as archive, ClientTb looses relation
Is it possible for you to stick with zip import/export in the near future?
Yeap, i found this is the only working way. But it is uncomfortable in some cases to import whole project instead of separate parts. Is it a bug or a functional restriction?
Btw is there any possibility to implement auto backup of data or i have to do it manually only ?
Currently, the team is focused on developing the new 4.0 version, in which the import/export system is totally reworked. So for now I can only suggest you to use zip export/import and stay tuned for the updated backend, which is planned to be released in a few weeks.
This is not built-in, unfortunately. Though you could use Console REST API (access to which you can purchase in our Marketplace) and set up a script or Backendless Timer to launch regular backups.