Cannot publish new service

I’m trying to publish a service. Which is working fine in debug mode and there’s already a working version on production mode but I’m getting the following error:


[INFO] Parsing event model…

[INFO] Build successfully: 0 handlers, 0 timers, 5 services


[INFO] Deploying model to server, and starting debug…

[INFO] Model successfully deployed.

[INFO] Waiting for events…


[INFO] Publishing 0 event handlers and 0 timers and 5 services to the server…

[ERROR] {“code”:11016,“message”:“Failed to retrieve billing data for previously allocated component”}

I’m using the last version of CodeRunner available on the web.

Any hint is very appreciated.

Hello Roberto

Please try to compile your services into jar files and to import them via console as hosted services. This documentation will be helpful.

Please provide your app id so we could investigate this issue.

Regards Anton

Now I can’t reproduce your issue.

[INFO] Runner successfully registered
[INFO] Parsing event model...
[INFO] Build successfully: 0 handlers, 0 timers, 1 service
[INFO] Deploying model to server, and starting debug...
[INFO] Model successfully deployed.
[INFO] Waiting for events...
[INFO] Publishing 0 event handlers and 0 timers and 1 service to the server… 
[INFO] Service published
[INFO] If you connected to coderunner for debug - please stop debugging
[INFO] CodeRunner will shutdown now
[INFO] Debugging Utility disconnected successfully
[INFO] Thank you for using Backendless

Could you please try again?