chat messaging push problem


I’m new to backendless, I used the code generator, and download the chat messaging app for android studio.
I run the app on 2 different devices, i entered my name and choose my friend to chat with, but it is getting stuck, on “waiting to <my friend name> to accept invitation”,can’t figure out why…
I looked into my dashboared in data -> chat users and both me and my friend has device Id different from"unknown" so that look fine…
any suggestions?

Hi Yehonatan,

Have you configured push notifications in your application as it is described in the documentation?

yes, i did, as describe in the documentation…

Could you please send us your application code to

hey , the code has been sent.


We got the code, thanks! To confirm that the backend is properly configured, please attach here (or send to screenshot of the following section in Backendless console:

Manage > App Settings > Mobile Settings.



Thank you for sending your code, we’ve found a bug in our generated code. We shall fix it in the future release, but you’re not able to wait.
In order to fix it by yourself do the following: open build.gradle file for “Funder-Messaging” and change application-id from “com…Funder…” to “com…funder…”. Then refresh all gradle projects and run the app again.
best regards,

Great! it works!


I have same problem.

I am using code generation and get stuck at “waiting to <my friend name> to accept invitation”

I had set up on server and set value for project number in Then, I run the app on 2 emulator (I am using genymotion). I set “ronaldo” name at first emulator and messi at second emulator.
At that time, there are 2 users (ronaldo, messi) on table ChatUser, but the value of deviceId column is unknown for both 2 chat user.

Please help me.