com.backendless.AndroidService is not declared at the application manifest

I’m starting with Backendless for Androïd and after having followed the “Getting Started” guide, I got this exception :

com.backendless.AndroidService is not declared at the application manifest

At the line :

Backendless.initApp(this, Config.BACKENDLESS_ID, Config.BACKENDLESS_KEY, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME);

But I can’t see where in "the doc’ a this “AndroidService” is mentioned. Could someone help me with this?

Thank you.


I didn’t take the last version of Maven, sorry.

In old versions of Backendless you had to include the Backendless Androidservice into the manifest.

I guess with version 2 or 3.0.0 of their SDK they depricated the service as it was no longer needed.

That is correct, AndroidService is no longer needed.