Hallo, i really need help. How can i count the number of users using a code. I need the number of users so i can do other calculations that includes it. It’s URGENT please help
Hi Samuel,
Do you need in in Java, Obj-C, Swift, JS or REST?
Hi Mark, In Java. My app is in android. Thanks for your fast reply. I highly appreciate.
Hi Samuel,
Here’s how you can do it today. However, please keep in mind that the getTotalObjects() method will be deprecated soon and we will provide a separate API call to get object counts:
BackendlessDataQuery query = new BackendlessDataQuery();
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.setPageSize( 1 );
query.setQueryOptions( queryOptions );
Backendless.Data.of( BackendlessUser.class ).find( query, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<BackendlessUser>>()
public void handleResponse( BackendlessCollection<BackendlessUser> response )
int objectCount = response.getTotalObjects();
Log.i( “MY APP”, "Total number of users " + objectCount );
public void handleFault( BackendlessFault fault )
Log.e( "MY APP", "Server error " + fault.getMessage() );
Thanks mark. Let me give it a try. Backendless ROCKS!!! How are we going to be notified about the change? If you dont mind me asking
Thank you, Samuel. What change/notification are you talking about?
Here’s what you said “…However, please keep in mind that the getTotalObjects() method will be deprecated soon and we will provide a separate API call to get object counts…” when the method gets deprecated how can we be notified?
We will post about it to our blog/twitter/facebook/newsletter.