Is there a way to make sorting by created date the default setting in the backendless console for tables? I know this was an option in 3.0
I believe if you sort a table by a column, console remembers it and applies automatically when you return. Could you please try and confirm?
Thanks again for the quick reply!
I have been doing that and it hasn’t been remembering. That is why I posted it here to see if anything had changed between 3.0 and 4.0 with that feature.
I also use our test environment in incognito mode and haven’t really played around with version 4.0 outside of incognito mode. Could that be the cause? In 3.0 this feature worked in incognito mode.
I also noticed that when we go to create a relationship manually through the console, we cannot sort the columns in the child table after clicking the plus icon to add a relationship.
The incognito mode disables local storage in the browser, so the setting will not be remembered. I will discuss with the team if it would be possible to default the sorting option for the “Created” column.
That’s a good idea, I think we should be able to fix it.
Another small point but I thought I might as well mention it since I noticed it. Every time I open the console, I minimize the “SYSTEM TABLES” section in the Data Management tab. By minimize, I mean that I make it as small as it can be because I would rather see all my App Tables. This does not stay minimized. Again a very small point but I thought it would be helpful to make you aware of it.
An internal ticket has been created: BKNDLSS-14504
Hi Nevin
We’ve added the sorting in RelationPopup you can get it in coming release.
Regards, Vlad
Hi Nevin
Do you still have the problem?
We have already keep the System Tables size in LocalStorage, I tried it out on different browsers and also with “Incognito” mode and it works as expected, so I can not reproduce the problem.
Could you please provide your OS, Browser, Incognito: On/Off and I try to help you.
Regards, Vlad
Yes, I am still having this problem. I will send you a video of this problem. I am using:
macOS Sierra Version 10.12.4
Google Chrome Version 58.0.3029.81 (64-bit) with Incognito On
Perfect. Thanks a lot!
I’ve received your video, but there is only changing a column sorting, I’ll investigate it asap.
And what about minimize SYSTEM TABLES section? does it work?
What do you mean by minimize system tables section?
What you wrote above =)
Another small point but I thought I might as well mention it since I noticed it. Every time I open the console, I minimize the “SYSTEM TABLES” section in the Data Management tab. By minimize, I mean that I make it as small as it can be because I would rather see all my App Tables. This does not stay minimized. Again a very small point but I thought it would be helpful to make you aware of it.
Sorry! Yes! That feature is working now but it isn’t as important as the sorting! Thanks.
I’ve fixed it, you can see the changes in the next release
Regards, Vlad
Perfect! Thanks!
Hi Nevin
All of the issues mentioned above have been fixed. Could you please verify?
Regards Anton
Looks good! Thanks a lot.