I’m developing an app in which I need to send email to the user, using a custom event handler. The email does get delivered but it takes a little while, usually 2-3 minutes, sometimes longer. The event handler also updates a table after sending the email, and I see that that happens instantly, so the handler itself isn’t causing the delay.
My app also uses email verification on user registration, and the verification email arrives within a couple of seconds.
Why does the email API seem to be so much slower? Is there a way to make it faster?
This is the statement I’m using to send the email, and there is just one recipient:
Backendless.Messaging.sendHTMLEmail( “test”, mailBody, recipients );
Hello, Katia!
We shall try to investigate and reproduce this problem.
best regards,
Thanks, Alex! Keep me posted.
Hi Alex,
As of tonight the email authorization email is also taking much longer. Could you also investigate that? It was taking a couple of seconds up until yesterday, and tonight it’s taking 8-10 minutes.
Thanks a lot for your help!
Hi Alex, do you have an update on this issue? Email has been taking over an hour to get delivered.
Hi Katia,
What is your application id? I’d like to try it out with your backend.
Also, what do you mean by “email authorization email”?
Hi Mark,
This is the app ID: CA9327F1-60D6-F29D-FFBC-BCAC7CC3E100.
Sorry for the unclear language! What I meant is we’ve set up email confirmation upon user registration. The verification email was initially delivered right away but as of last night it’s taking over an hour. Also, we still have a delay (usually a few minutes, sometimes more) with sending email in a custom event handler, using this statement:
Backendless.Messaging.sendHTMLEmail( “test”, mailBody, recipients );
Hi Katia,
Since you’re using your own SMTP server (which is required for the sentHTMLEmail API to work), have you confirmed that the delays are not caused by your server?
As a test, you could revert the email configuration to the default one (which would be ours), disable your custom business logic and try registering a developer. This way you can see how fast email is delivered when it goes through our system.
Hi Mark,
This is a very good point, thanks! I’ll experiment with this and get back to you.
Thank you so much for the tip, Mark! It seems that the smtp server was causing the delays. We changed the settings to a new smtp server and it works great now.