Delete photos from table

Hi there,
So i have an app that lets people share photos that can be seen by anybody who uses the app and one of the app features is to allow users to set a time in minutes when they’d want their photos to be deleted from the app. For example, i take a photo, set a timer to 3 minutes, and share. The backend should be able to receive the photo and only display it for the 3 minutes that were set. I am wondering if i can do it using backendless APIs, or maybe a custom business logic?

Backendless does not necessary “show” a picture, that would be done by the client-side. However, with Backendless you can create a timer which will be triggered at the pre-defined time and perform an action. To learn more about timers, here are a few reading links:



Thanks a lot for the reply. Right now, the client displays photos. I just have to use the links you shared to learn more about timers. Thanks alot.