Deleting the table issue in our application


We are facing critical error in deleting the column or renaming the table column, sometime we are facing issue in adding new record manually,

this is really causing trouble to implement our app on backendless platform, we have sent mail to your support team which includes the screenshot of error, app ID and other required details.

Please acknowledge and provide the update. I hope deleting column is one of the basic operation and it should not create problem. Still i dont no why i’m facing the issue.

Please check and revert back



Sorry for this inconvenience.
We are working on resolving this issue (internal task id is BKNDLSS-12608)


if this kinds of issues persists, then what’s point in purchasing the premium version from you?.

This should have been basic tasks i.e delete or editing the column name, but it will be really annoying to customer.



what is the latest on this issue.


Hi Zooomin,

We’re still working on it. Unfortunately, cannot provide any estimates yet.