Devices not registering to Channels

I am using Channels to send push notifications to individual users as well as groups of users. For individual users, I subscribe them to a channel which is the same name as their device id.
I know you can send device-specific push notifications without the need of a channel like this, but I want to be able to unsubscribe users from receiving push notifications easily. And I’m unsure of who to do that reliably if I didn’t have the unsubscribe method.
The problem I am having is the following: when I subscribe a device to a channel, it creates the channel on the Message console, but the device is not registered for the channel:</img>
Here is my code for subscribing a device to a channel:

 class func subscribe(channelName: String, responder: IResponder!) {
 let backendless = Backendless.sharedInstance()

 backendless.messagingService.subscribe(channelName, responder: responder)

And here is the code when I actually implement that method in the view-controller:

    let responder = Responder(responder: self, selResponseHandler: "handler:", selErrorHandler: "errorHandler:")
    PushManager.subscribe(backendless.messagingService.currentDevice().deviceId, responder: responder)


The code you showed does not register device, it simply creates a polling subscriber. To register a device, you need to use the following API:

Keep in mind that registering a device is needed only if you need the device to receive push notifications.