Don't work distance query to get my near places in Geopoint

I’m trying to do a request to get the near places to my current location. I’m taken a look at this article ( Yes, seems easy but I can’t do that works…
This is my class to match with the table in the data base:
public class Beach {
private String city;
private String country;
private String name;
private String description;
private GeoPoint location;
public Beach(){}
. //All getter and setters
And this is my method: If I remove whereClause I can get the data and works fine, but if I put whereClause is when I have the problem and seems that don’t do nothing. Don’t go throught the AsynCallback method.
String query = “distance( %f, %f, location.latitude, location.longitude ) < km(1000)”;
String whereClause = String.format( query, currentLatitude, currentlongitude );
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery(whereClause);
QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.addRelated( “location” );
dataQuery.setQueryOptions( queryOptions );
Backendless.Data.of(Beach.class).find(dataQuery, new AsyncCallback<BackendlessCollection<Beach>>() {
public void handleResponse(final BackendlessCollection<Beach> response) {
I have check autoload in column location in my table Beach in the data base
I’ve attached a screen of my debug so you can see the data that I’m trying to retrieve and the format string that I’m doing.

I do not see property called “available” in your class, but you reference it in the whereClause query.

Yes, I’m sorry about this Mark. I just editing and changed the question, but is still doesn’t work. Look my updated attached file and query, please.;/img&gt;

Yeah, Thank you so much!

The problem is that Location object in Android get the latitude and longitude with , and not with .