Next month I don’t need the Cloud 9 plan due to decreased usage, but I can’t seem to downgrade for next month right now. How can I do that?
Is the app over the free limit right now? If so, which one?
Yes, it currently is over the free limit, which is why I am currently paying for Cloud 9. What do you need to know about the app? I only have 1.
I am asking what limit the app is going over? (data tables, data objects, file space, geofences, etc)
Oh, push notifications are over the limit.
No problem, I will schedule the change to go in effect on April 30th so you won’t be charged when the subscription is renewed on May1st.
Thank you Mark
Hi Mark, I was just charged for May. Can I please get that refunded to stay in line with what you stated here?
Hi Jeff,
I just processed refund. I apologize, it should’ve been done on Friday as I original wrote.
HI Mark, I want to downgrade to free for some time. we are currently not using the app can you do this urgently?
App ID: A5702D2C-1734-6954-FF53-27A9D3028100
The free plan has been removed from 3.x on November 1st. You cannot downgrade to it, the plan is not there. If you’d like to avoid billing, you can delete the app.