Errors when integrating libs folder on a project which uses Cocoapods

I’ve tried integrating the framework on a clean project using the steps from the quick guide.
I followed the exact steps and it worked as it should. (although I skipped the step where it said to add the bridging header and I’m sorry to say this but it is really bad practice to make people set the lib’s bridging header as a bridging header to their project, because if they already have one, they’ll get confused as you can only have one bridging header for a project. Instead, they should should just be advised to import “Backendless.h” and “MediaService.h” in their own bridging header.)
Anyhow, as I just said, I implemented the user registration and everything worked fine.
Then, I had to use a pod from cocoapods. I installed the pod, then opened the .xcworkspace instead of the .xcproject .This is where it got into conflict and threw me about 44 linker errors related to audio frameworks, although I did not import the “MediaService.h”.
After many failed attempts to fix this, I thought maybe there is a cocoapods version of the framework. I was happy to see there was, so I deleted the lib folder and installed backendless using cocoapods and everything worked ok again.
My point is this:
Remove the bridging header from the lib as it is confusing for people who already have one in their project.
Find a way to fix the linker errors about audio frameworks which triggered even though I didn’t import the “MediaService.h” file.
Add cocoapods guide to the quick start guide so that people can install it easier.

Hi Bogdan,

I am just trying to understand how your train of thought went… So you have a bridging header in your project and you see us asking you to put one in there. Have you thought “maybe I can merge the two together?”. “What does that Backendless bridging header look like?”. The path for the file is right there in our instructions… If you look into it, you will see just one line. As basic as:

#import "Backendless.h"

So all it takes is to put that line into your bridging header. That’s it! Problem solved. I have seen similar posts and I am puzzled why it appears to be so complex, where in reality it is ultra basic. Yes, I understand the instructions do not say so, but wouldn’t it make sense to check if the merging can be done?

I hope you can help me understand your thinking process so we can make it better and easier.


I did exactly how you said, I looked upon what the backendless bridging header contains, and copied and pasted it into my bridging header.

“So all it takes is to put that line into your bridging header. That’s it! Problem solved”
This is exactly what I am trying to say to you. Why tell people to add a bridging header when you could just tell them to add “#import Backendless.h” into their own bridging header which is easier.