Facebook api v2.7 getting Could not get GraphUser from Facebook Session

I recently created an android app in Facebook developer’s page and tried implementing the Login with Facebook SDK. Unfortunately I’m getting the error “Could not get GraphUser from Facebook Session”.
I have another app that I created in facebook about a month ago and everything is working fine there. I tried comparing the setups on these 2 apps and the only thing I noticed different is that the older app uses facebook api2.6 while the new app has v2.7 on the FB developer’s page.
Is anyone else having this issue with new apps?
Edit: Forgot to mention, implementation of both apps in android is different. Not sure if this is relevant. The old app uses plain activity in the login while in my new app I decided to go with fragments.

I have now implemented the loginWithFacebookSDK using plain Activity in the new app as well. Unfortunately, still the same error.

I was wondering if the v2.7 api version of facebook is not yet fully supported? I’m not able to change the version of facebook’s developer page though.

Hi, Allen!

loginWithFacebookSDK means that your first login with official Facebook SDK (which you had to integrate with your project on your own) and then pass the data you’ve received from Facebook into loginWithFacebookSDK method.
Do you successfully login with Facebook SDK (before invoking loginWithFacebookSDK method of Backendless service)?


I fixed this by deleting and re-creating my Facebook app. Not sure what caused the issue in the first place but everything seems to be okay now.
