Facebook login not working for existing users

When we try to login a Facebook user that was previously logged in with Facebook, it does not allow him/her to login. Was login on the backend modified recently? I tried rolling back the back endless and Facebook SDKs and that didn’t fix it. We haven’t changed anything on our end in terms of Facebook login.

Is there a way to delete these posts?

Hi Nevin

Why do you want to delete the topic?
did you find a reason why it did not work?

Thanks, Vlad

I think it is working in most cases but something has happened to the user that I am trying to login with. I don’t want to post the email address that I am using to login to backendless here but here is my app ID. can you take a look to see if something has gotten messed up with the user. When I try to login with Facebook, it says FAULT = ‘3033’ [Unable to register user. User already exists.] <Unable to register user. User already exists.>

When I try to login normally as a user it says:

FAULT = ‘3000’ [User cannot be logged in] <User cannot be logged in>

User registration and the ability to login is fine and turned on with our backendless account.

The user that I am using was logged in through Facebook (it says Facebook in the socialAccount column in back endless). But I was able to change the password for that user in backendless console. Isn’t that supposed to be disabled?

If I delete the user and login with the user again, I THINK it will be fixed but I want to see how this happened so that next time it does not happen again.

I sent you an email with the user account that I am using to login.

App ID: 51090673-E224-7930-FF2A-4C27AA573400

On another app of ours using the same iOS same code and same Facebook account but a different backendless instance, everything is working fine. So it is definitely something that has happened with the user account in the backendless instance with the above app id.

Hey Nevin again

Sorry for the delay, could you check if the problem is still there or not

Yes, the issue is still there. I didn’t delete the user so you can take a look and see what is causing the issue. I sent you an email with the email address of the user I am referring to.

we can not find nothing that can be a reason of this problem.

only one thing I’ve noticed, there are 3 records (users) which have “instaAccessToken” value and only one record has “facebook” socialAccount, it’s that user (what you sent to our email).
so what is “instaAccessToken” column of User Table ?
can we try to remove the “instaAccessToken” value for the user and check it out again ?

I just removed the instaAccessToken for the user with object ID: 8BDE144B-128B-0F0F-FFA1-5109662A6600 and it still did not allow me to log that user in with facebook. It is saying that the user already exists.

I’ve created an internal ticket BKNDLSS-15484 for investigate the issue.
We will inform you as soon as possible

Regards, Vlad