Hi! I have custom business logic service, which uses BackendlessSDK for Android/Java and also I have mobile application. So on mobile app I perform login via FacebookSDK or GooglePlus, after successfully login I must authenticate this user on Backendless. How I can do that? Should I pass on server code social network token and then check it validity?
Thanks in advance!
P.S. I can’t use something like this one, because this method require Android Context.
what do you mean mobile version?
loginWithGooglePlusSdk does not require Android Context, exampli here https://github.com/Backendless/Android-SDK/tree/master/samples/LoginWithGooglePlusSDK
loginWithFacebookSdk() require context because native android facebook sdk require it
Sure loginWithGooglePlusSdk does not require Android Context, but this request performed asynchronously. In the server code if I’m not mistaken must performing only synchronous request. About mobile version I mean that there is some mobile app which doesn’t know about Backendless SDK. On this app user starts login with native social network SDK after that he sent his data to Backendless service and on it perform login, in brief it’s will be API method for login using FB&G+ networks on any mobile platform(Android&iOS)
Thanks for the reply!
Hi Oleh,
There is a REST-based Backendless login API for Facebook (scroll down to the “Login with Facebook SDK” section):
We will be adding a similar route for Google as well.