Fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type

I have searched this forum and google for 2 days and I still can’t resolve the error stated in the title.
I am using SWIFT in an iOS project. I have a very simple test table:
import Foundation
class Signupcode : NSObject {

var signupcode : String?
var usecount: Int?
var objectId : String?
var ownerId: String?
var created: NSDate?
var updated: NSDate?
//var owner : BackendlessUser?

I was able to retrieve 1 object from backendless :
whereClause = signupcode = ‘1345’
Loaded 1 signupcodes objects

I got the error in this function:

func checkSignupcode(mysignupcode : String) -> Bool {
 var isvalid = false
 let mysignupcode = userInfo["signupcode"]!
 let whereClause = "signupcode = '\(mysignupcode)'"
 print("whereClause = \(whereClause)")
 let dataQuery = BackendlessDataQuery()
 dataQuery.whereClause = whereClause
 response: { ( signupcodes : BackendlessCollection!) -> () in
 let currentPage = signupcodes.getCurrentPage()
 print("Loaded \(currentPage.count) signupcodes objects")
 print("Total Signupcode in the Backendless storage - \(signupcodes.totalObjects)")
 //let sudata = signupcodes.
 for signupcodedata in currentPage as! [Signupcode] {
 print("Signupcode = \(signupcodedata.signupcode)")
 print("usecount = \(signupcodedata.usecount)")
 isvalid = true
 //print("Total time (ms) - \(1000*NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime))")
 error: { ( fault : Fault!) -> () in
 print("Server reported an error: \(fault)")
 return isvalid


I solved the issue. a typo, silly me. How to close this topic?