Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) every time when coming back from background

Getting this crash and error:A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 2, fault addr 0x71470900 in tid 4130 (ftcards.rewards)

(not getting any further exception details)

every time the app comes back from the background, after the app memory was cleaned.
when this happens the first backendless query failes.
I am calling Backendless.Data.of(“TABLE_NAME”).find(dataQuery, callback);

and never reaching handleResponse or handleFault

I tried calling Backendless.initApp(…) again in this case, but still the same crash


Could you send us your project to support@backendless.com?


Thank you

Hi Tal,

Unfortunately, your project is pretty large and we don’t have enough time to investigate it.
Could you please provide a minimal example code, which would reproduce your error?

Even though in debug mode it seemed like backendless is causing it,
it was on another thread. unrelated to backendless.
the issue was found an fixed.

thank you for your efforts