Filter by objectId with relations

Hello, I am trying find object with condition((reposted.address.objectId = ‘09ED3FE7-462F-3456-FF55-9770B721DF00’) OR (address.objectId = ‘09ED3FE7-462F-3456-FF55-9770B721DF00’))

and always gets error like
error: Internal server error with id 4D758950-F31C-CBA4-FF0F-B892FF9B3100
but with different ids every time.

If I use such (reposted.address.objectId = ‘09ED3FE7-462F-3456-FF55-9770B721DF00’) I don’t get error.
Same for (address.objectId = ‘09ED3FE7-462F-3456-FF55-9770B721DF00’))

Please help me how to filter by objectId with relations


Could you please describe the schema of a table you are querying and its relations ?

please see “Test” table’s schema in attachment file

Please let us know your application ID.

AppId = 32FB0484-6360-DFE9-FF8E-4CFB23389100

Hi Kostya,

Thanks for reporting, we just confirmed that it’s a bug.
An internal ticket BKNDLSS-13648 has been created to resolve it.
We shall notify you as soon as we have any news on its status.

Thank you!