Following getting started guide, failing at 'backendless.userService.registering(user)'

Hi there, im trying to follow the getting started guide for iOS, but for some reason im getting stuck at the

‘backendless.userService.registering(user)’ line. You can see the attached images.

Any ideas what I could be doing wrong? Thanks!

Hi Simon,

I think you added the “lib” folder in the wrong place. It shows up under Frameworks in your screenshot. Also, the question marks next to the contents of the “lib” folder do not look right.

Here’s how I have it after following the quick start guide:</img>


Thanks for the reply Mark, I will try it again this evening. :slight_smile:

I grouped together the Backendless library as well as my other frameworks into a ‘Frameworks’ folder in the project, just for file management. I havent come across an instance before where doing so has any impact on the use of the library, but stranger things have happened! :smiley:

I think the ‘?’ icons are referring to those files not yet being added to my git repo. I think thats what it means, but will investigate that as well this evening. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply!