Geopoint meta data

I was doing some testing on setting meta data to geopoints, and the following happened, and I am not sure if it supposed to happen.

Step 1. Set meta data to a geopoint having a User relation with variable name user, pointing to the user I selected.
Step 2. I noticed that the User’s table was updated to have that relation as so: Geopoint.user (child of) which was expected.
Step 3. I deleted the geopoint.
Step 4. I went back to User’s table and the relation Geopint.user (child of) is still there.

Is that behavior expected? and if yes, what the purpose?



Any comments on this behavior?



Hi, George!

We are very sorry for this delay.
Yes, this behaviour is expected. When you create a relationship between tables - this column is created on console. It’s virtual and you will not see it anywhere but the console. Its purpose is easy navigation to the set of parent objects.
best regards,

Thank you for clarifying this. You can mark this as answered.

