A couple of months ago this question was posed:
and the answer was that one should be able to use the form:
$ git clone https://git.backendless.com//.git
and be prompted for username and password. I’m finding this though:
$ git clone https://git.backendless.com//.git
Cloning into ‘’…
fatal: unable to access ‘http://git.backendless.com//.git/’: The requested URL returned error: 403
Now I do have set on my machine:
$ git config --global -l
user.name=<User Name>
user.email=<User Email>
where the <User Name> and <User Email> don’t match the developer name and email address on the account and app that I’m trying to clone. But I do have the developer name and password for the account that I could supply when prompted. Am I doing something wrong?