Google purchase verification error

Discussion on Backendless Docs 0 commentsGoogle Play Purchase Validation</img>Artur Belov an hour ago
Hello! I want to verificate purchases from Google by server side. For that I created app, initialized backendless with keys, made TEST PURCHASE, got purchaseToken, and now I got error while verfication. Why? Maybe the reason is that the payment is not real?


BackendlessException{ code: 'Internal client exception', message: 'null' }
at com.backendless.Invoker$SyncResponder.errorHandler([url=][/url]:127)
at com.backendless.core.responder.AdaptingResponder.errorHandler([url=][/url]:93)
at weborb.client.ioEngine.HttpIOEngine.send([url=][/url]:213)
at weborb.client.ioEngine.HttpIOEngine.invoke([url=][/url]:145)
at weborb.client.WeborbClient.invoke([url=][/url]:138)
at com.backendless.Invoker.invokeSync([url=][/url]:100)
at com.backendless.Invoker.invokeSync([url=][/url]:112)
at com.backendless.Commerce.validatePlayPurchase([url=][/url]:48)

Hi Artur,

By tracing back to the line number I see you’re invoking a sync method, which is not allowed on the main UI thread. Please change the code to use the async version of “validatePlayPurchase”.


Thanks a lot! This solved my problem