Google+ signIN retuning null user on backendless's handleOpen method

i’m using easyLoginWithGooglePlus and it’s working fine, after the authentication user is being created on the backendDB but in my appDelegate’s openUrl method (the one that get triggered when redirected after authentication ) user is always null here:

let backendless = Backendless.sharedInstance()
let user = backendless?.userService.handleOpen(url) // alwaysNull

here my user is always null, but when i use other easyLogin methods (Facebook or twitter) it works fine.
why is this happening? any clue?

Could you try generating an app with the code generation and see if it works there? (do not select the Swift option, it is not implemented in 3.x):</img>

i tried what you said and it’s working fine there, but also made sure that the codes are same in both place. any clue what’s wrong in my implementation?? i checked the URL which is being received after the authentication and it always the same (Facebook authentication or twitter or google+)

my Login Implementation:

        backendless?.userService.easyLogin(withGooglePlusFieldsMapping: ["email":"email"], permissions: ["email"],
                                           response: {(result : NSNumber?) -> () in
                                            print ("googleLogin Result: \(result)")
                                           error: { (fault : Fault?) -> () in
                                            print("Server reported an error: \(fault)")

There’s got to be a difference somewhere.

Did you add the URL Schemes to .plist?


already done that

If you would like us to review your code, it would be outside of the support charter and would be handled by the professional services team. If you’d like to explore that route, please contact sales:
