We’re going to use data service through the REST API. Our application doesn’t use explicit user registration/authorization.
It’s quite unclear how would you price us for using the data service in case when the Users table is empty.
Is it per IP-address base or another method?
The users factor would not apply to your application, so it will not cost you anything. Other limits in the Free plan would still apply.
Also, please keep in mind that we will block/ban any application where user identity is handled outside of our standard Users table. In other words managing users (register, login) outside of the User Service API is not allowed.
Could you please tell me where it is stated that managing users outside your service is not allowed?
I can’t find any information about that, except from this post.
Active users, which implies they must be registered, is one of the revenue items at Backendless. This is a part of the terms of service document which will be posted to the site shortly.
Thank you Mark!
I’m definitely waiting for the TOS document.