How to add conditions to query in android ?

Hi my question is how can I add a condition

right now i am using
Backendless.Persistence.of(snacks.class).findFirst(new AsyncCallback<snacks>() {
public void handleResponse(snacks snacks) {
String URL = snacks.getImage();
final String descript = snacks.getDescription();
final String ttle = snacks.getName();

the above code for like getting the data now i want to add some condition for example want to get the row where the email id matches with the current user email id

I don’t do Java, but I think this will work, or at least guide you properly

String whereClause = "email =";
BackendlessDataQuery dataQuery = new BackendlessDataQuery();
dataQuery.setWhereClause( whereClause );
BackendlessCollection&lt;snacks&gt; result = Backendless.Persistence.of( snacks.class ).find( dataQuery );

Hope this helps!

can we set multiple where clauses ? or just a single one

you can combine several search conditions using AND operator.