how to cancel an ongoing process (file uploading) ??

this is how i’m uploading my files (images)
let fileName: String = String(format: “media/%0.0f(1).jpeg”, NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970)
let data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(attach1ImgView.image!, 1.0)

content: data,
response: { ( uploadedFile : BackendlessFile!) -> () in

self.uploadeImageLinkArray[0] = uploadedFile.fileURL
print(“IMAGE 1 uploaded link : (self.uploadeImageLinkArray)”)
error: { (fault: Fault!) -> Void in

print(“ERROR (fault.message)”)
how to cancel this ongoing uploading process ?? i didnt get anything related in the Documentations…

You cannot cancel a file uploading. If ‘upload’ method seems to be slow you could use ‘saveFile’ method.