How to load table objects with not real relation but with anoter table that has relation to it?

Hello! Need some advice.

At the moment on page start I load table objects that I needed with needed relations. image
It works well, but what if I needed to load not a “real” relation, but a relation from another table?
First I have tried load it like this. image But it seems not the correct way.
I suppose, I can’t do it in this query?
So I have to add another “Set Dynamic List Items” block on page load, set it to the cell and filter it for each item?

Hi Nikolay,

The “relations” connector in the data retrieval block can accept only top-to-bottom relations. The relation you need is one that goes bottom-to-top - meaning you want to retrieve data from the parent object. In order to do that, you need to use the “properties” connector. That connector (just like “relations”) expects a list of strings. In there you can add the following:


where PROPERTYNAME is a property in the CampaignParticipants table.


Mark, hello!

Thank you for response. Now I understand it, that case works well.
Though unfortunately when I tried it in more complex case, I bumped at new trouble. But I will create new topic for this.
One more question: I assume, if I specify one of the property in query, now I have to specify all needed properties too?

And by the way, great work here with Backendless! It is awesome tool, love from the first sight!

Hi Nikolay,

To request all properties (in addition to the ones you explicitly requested) you can use a special value of *:


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