How to migrate database views from one app to another. (dev to prod)

Hello Backendless team,
I want to migrate my app database from dev to prod database is migrating but views in a database do not migrate. When I was trying to import-export database Views it create data Table not views.

Hello @Ayaz_Khan,

could you please provide us with your app ID?

Hi @stanislaw.grin,
My APP ID is ‘C3B46A6B-6793-4561-9033-3845A19EC182’

Thanks. I was able to export & import in my app for test purposes, and import was successful.
The import process is not instantaneous and may take some time, depending on the number of tables, views and data in them (if you also import with data). Have you checked the import logs? If it says at the end that the import was completed successfully, have you tried refreshing the page or the list of tables/views? If yes, and you still do not see your views, can you also tell me your target app id?

My issue has been resolved.
I had to export the database from one app then import it in another app after that all my tables and views are appears in another app. but it wont import when I migrate it using sync changes from MANAGE menu.
